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dominions 3
Games > PC
431.5 MB

+1 / -0 (+1)

Oct 26, 2006

This has no cd-key or crack.
I dont have the key, so id be happy if anyone could share it or find a keygen.
anyways its the real deal, doubt anyone would have faked the install and the key req when you start the game.


the game is not faked, I can vouche for this since I also downloaded the same torrent. It is only missing the cd key which sucks. Hope someone comes through since this game is incredible
I am also looking for a CD Key or KeyGen for this game. I attempted to write one myself but was not up to the task.
The in-game graphics look like something from the 80's. Hope the gameplay can weigh that up.
Great game

Unfortunatly useless till someone create a keygen or have a serial to spare

In any case thanks for the up!!
So, anyone find a cd key or keygen yet?
nope, havent found one, they have a pretty hardcore fan base. and not many others want to buy the game.
but i dont see why, most ppl play it mainly in sp
Well, being swayed by your praise for it I downloaded it, so you better come up with some sort of serial :)
Trust me what this game lacks for in graphics it more than makes up for in depth. in fact this is probably one of the most indepth games EVER created
2days now, and still no key. this is worse than not having the game. its just sitting there in my games folder..arr just 19 numbers away from goodness
Gahhh... grrrrr someone, anyone please.. the serial or some crack.. uh, I mean A crack!
just test...
Iam fed up, i tried to post solution for you guys, but everytime i get database error... :-/
hmm, it looks like i cant type too long comments, or something like ill try to post that in several ones.
yes, please do, or uppload a text file :P
well i would like to upload txt for you, but if iam only typing, its fine, i cant use any link, so... any ideas?
just post the serual key as a short comment
I have got an idea, i cant post only serial, i dont have one, its crack file. I found it on different site. So here we go, it will be slightly more difficult for you but you will have it :-), at least :-p
well, you could write it somewhere else.
and post the link to that page
Well, you are right, but try to post here any link, or any webpage address, you will get database error. i have got another idea :-) its harder, but hope you will understand :-)
go to demonoid webpage. Dont forget www, and com. I cant type it whole, because i get database error, its torrent site. Search for dominions 3, and read disscusion there, there is also crack.
You can use that crack, for skiping cd key screen, however, if you do that, game will freeze after first turn. I have found workaround. Dont skip it, type any cd key you want there, but it must contain only numbers and look as:

If you will do that, you will be able to play, i know its not that simple, and you have to type cd key everytime you start the game, but at least, you will be able to play the game, till proper crack will be avaible. Also, I cant post on that site, and it would be nice, if anyone would, just let that guy who made this crack how to make it work.
i love you Omnax :D it started, and i dont mind typing the key in every time i start :D HAPPY
I told you :-)
Well i played it a little bit more, and i have got bad cd key message :-(( dont know, if same happened for you...
You are correct. Dominions 2 used the same kind of trick to fool people into thinking they are using a valid key. The game lets you play a while, then throws you out... if anyone out there is gonna crack this or make a keygen, just keep that in mind.
I'm currently working to try to fix the 20turn problem

Atm i've locate the part of the code responsible to it and i'm trying to bypass it

Actually i succeded in it but the game crashes soon afterward.. i'll try again and keep you update in my progress.

HOWEVER i think this game should be purchased, the multiplayer aspect is very good indeed :D
Hello there. I'm the poor dom-addicted guy who made those little lame crack :P It was my first try to crack, so it wasnt too successful.. Anyway I also think i've found where the game checks the key again, but the code is a mess there. Dont give up, we'll make it eventually.

In my test game where i was stucked by the bad-key error with my modification now it works (played 20 more turns)

Now i'll test it with another game from scratch and let's see if it works.. if it does i'll upload it here later
I managed to bypass the in-game check, but the game crashes again some turns after. It seems the game checks the cdkey in many different ways during the turn generation...

A crack wont do, we need a keygen or smthing.
wow acantoni, you did it? :D
I really hope it works!
I'm no longer so sure

The old game still runs well , the new one i've encountered a new kind of error "Skyddsfel" which i seem unable to fix after 30-40 turns

Gonna give it another try !
Anxiously waiting... Hopefully you were able to crack it Acantoni...
Prays to all the gods, and the sun.. and the coffee pot.
OOps I posted just as yours was posted.. oops, guess my praying didn't work! :(
hehe, iam aslo waiting for any news :-) that error might be engine related, not crack, so hope it will work when you try it again, just try skipping turns :-)
megaupload (dot) com/it/?d=TVU2MMSW


Is a cleared out minimalistic version of the few check i've managed to fix by now

Since my crashing game wasn't done with this one i have no idea how exactly it should work

If you decide to give it a try be aware it may crash at any time...

Please report back any error message you might experience (even with PMs) thanks!
Btw Hamerp since you're the dom-addicted one who tried to make the fix in the first place you're very welcome to check the exe i've uploaded and make all the modification you like and improve on it...maybe combining efforts we can get closer to a solution :D
well your crack is better then the last one, but still game freeze in a certain amount of turns :-(
I know, i'd appreciate if you can write down exactly the error message if there is one AND/OR when it happens (usually is while AI is solving their turn)

usualy, i have got wrong cd key error, with old crack, but with the new one, game just freeze, exactly on turn number 30. It must be another crack check, or something like that. No error at all, game just freeze.
wouldent it help if you lookes at the old dom2 crack?
Just posting a moral support message...

Never played any dominions game, but the glowing praise here makes me keen to try it. If it only would work. :D
I have original Dom2 so i don't have it...

However if you have an original exe AND a cracked one (same patch version) and can upload it somewhere (megaupload is fine) it can be helpful !!

Absolutely essential to have both the original exe and the fixed one
so, any news on crack, or serial?
just a heads up. Im pretty sure Dom2 didnt have a crack, just a bunch of different cd-key gens which werent entirely reliable either. It would accept the cd-key originally then later on boot you to desktop saying "Nigot gik fel!!" when you try to start a game.
Hmm, this game is not very popular, I cant even buy it here, so I dont expect any real crack :-(. Which is soo sad, because it looks quiete good. Nevermind, I can still play Space Empires V :-)
all we need is someone to give us the cd key. if anyone wants to give it to me ill promise to only use it in sp, never playd dom in mp and never will
Noone will give you one, why they would do that :-), and promising will not help :-)
Omnax - This game can only be ordered through Shrapnel Games / Tuxgames / ans some Mac game publisher. Online only. You can order it from anywhere in the world the US will ship to.
Wanted you all to know i've not given up yet :-)

Actually i'm writing a new fix from scratch and so far look promising (at the very least is a little better written than the old one!)

OK. This is my first crack at x86 assembler, but I think I've calculated a working serial (for both the initial check, and the 20 turns check):


(In case anyone's interested, the first check checks that, for serial A-B-C-D-E, that the sum

A + (HIGH(B) + LOW(B)) + 2*(HIGH(C)+LOW(C) + 4*(HIGH(D)+LOW(D) % 1000 == E

Where HIGH(x) and LOW(x) are the high and low 7 bits of the number.

The extra check after 20 turns just looks at A and B, and involves looking up a number in a table at offset ((A^0x49)&0xff) has its low 7 bits equal to the low 7 bits of B. The above serial just sets A to 0x49 so that it just needs the first element in the table, and gets B from that element)
wow thanks, it seems to work
You sir, are an hero of the internets!!!!
WOW thanks a lot! Gonna try it out now :D
Can anyone confirm it's working? Game now shuts down at turn 30 with "skyddsfel" (protection error).
There appears to be some kind of check when level 4 magic is researched. Game ends with message "skyddsfel".
Good jobb working on a key, hope you get it to work.
yes, they have lots of build in check it seems, the level 4 magic error sucks.
And the game also crashes at turn 30
Ok - version 2:


Theres a further check that the high 7 bits of C equal ((A + 0xb) ^ 0x3a)&0x3f

I also found another check, though I'm not sure what triggers it so haven't tested it. In any case, it looks like its checking the low 7 bits of C = ((A+0x53) ^ 0x1b) &0x7f.

I did a quick search for anywhere else the serial variables were referenced, but didn't spot any other checks (looks like the checksum (E) is the only validation on the value for D). Hopefully that should be it.
thanks, but still crash at turn 30
Great job Dave93 .-) But it still need a little bit work :-) hope you will be succesful.
Bugger - missed at least one check. Theres a check that the high bits of B are equal to the value in the ((a&0x72) &0xff) position in the lookup table (masked down to 6 bits) (Which meant I can't get by with just the first element in the lookup table). This npw gets past 30 turns:


I'm now accounting for a check against both the high and low bits of B and C, generated from A. Its a bit suspicious that D isn't involved given this, but I don't see anywhere else in the code that's referencing it. I'm going to give it a rest for the night. Post a comment if you find anywhere else that's failing.
wow this one works much better, well at least, we can play longer then 30 turns, no idea about level 4 magic crash, but it seems working better :-). Thanks alot !
Great job! This *appears* to be fully working now. I speed-played about 175 turns and no crash, no probem. Also researched past level 4 no problems. Thanks a lot for your hard work dave, you're a genius :)
Indeed , Dave you're a genious i 've been looking a lot of the code but indeed i wasn't anywhere near generating a good key ^_^

thanks a lot
Can anyone else confirm long playing times like Knapret's?
Thanks for all your hard work on this!
Again, dave93 gets the big special fuzzy group hug :) and beer!
Okey, so can anyone share the manual...?
MANY thanks guys! Dave you rock :)
Hi good work, I noticed that the game seems to crash when I try to cast global spell fata morgana, could be the game itself is buggy, i dont know....
In may opinion it?s work. I have serial and game from my friend but if I want play with he I need second key. That is why I upload this game on mininova. I can?t give you he key. I have hope that someone can create keygen . I tray generate turn in multiplayer game used this key and turn from friend (original key). Now we start play new game used ftp and exchange trn , h2 file. I want bay this game but now I have hole in budget.
(Sorry for my language mistakes)
Thanks you dave93.
Those of you who say it is a great game;

care to explain a bit or supply some docs? The interface is not exactly user friendly, and feedback in the form of mouseovers etc. are non-existant.
I think dominions 3 is more like dominions 2 with a big patch fixing stuff, not really a new game...
Yes, dominions 1,2,3 are all basically the same game, but of course with improvements and added features. This also means that the documents for the previous versions are somewhat accurate even for dominions 3. If anyone is having trouble finding a manual for dom3, try to get an old manual. Also try pressing "?" (on your keyboard) in the game to get a list of some useful shortcuts.

This game has a very steep learning curve, punishes mistakes severely (you can't simply reload when you do something wrong) and can be completely overwhelming to a beginner... this is probably THE deepest strategy game there is so expect a few defeats while you're still learning.

Also, you can learn a lot from the official forums can't post a direct link here, but it's at www shrapnelcommunity com.
I think deepes is Space Empires V :-), but dominions is right behind.
So Dave, is it possible for you to make more CD keys now? when you know combination? :-)
First of all thanks again Dave!

I second Omnax 'request'... :-) (either a keygen or a dozens key at random is perfectly fine!)

OK. Here's a keygen. You'll need python ( to run it - just copy to a file and run:

import random

# Low 7 bits of first 256 bytes of rtab in string representation format
rtab=map(ord, 'gFisQ\x7fJl)M:+r{cF|BTx\x1bhg\rvZ.c3\x1fI\x1af2\r71X#Z%]'
'\x0f8\\*l0;{2/> 7) + (x &0x7f) # Add high & low bits

def genkey():

bL = rtab[(a ^ 0x49) & 0xff] & 0x7f
bH = rtab[(a ^ 0x72) & 0xff] & 0x3f
b = (bH
Oops - not enough space to post it here (and TPB seems to be dropping some lines). Here's a few keys (untested) instead:

Thanks Dave !!!

I'll try the key and test them

As for your python script you may want to upload it somewhere (or make a torrent here!)

For instance on megaupload(dot)com or rapidshare(dot)de

This is really appreciated dave!
Really thx dave, hope they works, now ill be able to play with my friends :-) thx!!
now we nned scanned manual ( or only the tutorial part ;p )
dave93 thanks a lot for posting all this information.

Can you please post the complete python code for the keygen? I would really like to study it.
for the tutorial you can Dl the demo and install it
It comes with a walkthrough tutorial in pdf format ^_^
OK - here's another attempt at posting the keygen. I think the < and > chars were what screwed it up last time - I'm quoting them now:

import random

# Low 7 bits of first 256 bytes of rtab in string representation format
rtab=map(ord, 'gFisQ\x7fJl)M:+r{cF|BTx\x1bhg\rvZ.c3\x1fI\x1af2\r71X#Z%]'
'\x0f8\\*l0;{2/> 7) + (x & 0x7f) # Add high & low bits

def genkey():

bL = rtab[(a ^ 0x49) & 0xff] & 0x7f
bH = rtab[(a ^ 0x72) & 0xff] & 0x3f
b = (bH
Bah - no luck. Its probably overkill for a 30 line script, but you can get it at
www.megaupload (dot) com/?d=HRRNI0DC
Thanks Dave!
I was very interested and i learned a few things looking at your script ^^^_^^^

BTW since here many people likes strategy game i've just uploaded supreme ruler 2010 here on TBP you may look into it if you like wargame ^_^

And maybe Dave you can also use your skills for a very nasty patch in there :-P
Strange but ...
i cant load this keygen script from megaupload.
maybe this link is inactive now ?
Can somebody put it at rapidshare ?
Chaos i guess you managed by now

I tried it and works well for me.. still having trouble ?
Still have problem with this.
Dunno why - tried it with different soft : opera,mozilla and explorer and the same..
im redirecting to some stupid megaupload link:
Nvm. I received working py file through mail :)
Thanks for posting the script dave93.
Could somebody send me the keygen aswell, please? These file hosters kick the files for violation of rules all the time...
Anyone have the keygen still?
Could someone send me the full keygen? I'm having problems with the 3.06 patch the keys on here don't seem to work all that well with it... I'm trying to play over lan with my buddies but we lack enough keys :/ Help would be awesome :)
Here are a few keys you could use.
I've not tested them all








Unfortunatly it seems there is still the GUI disappearing issue :-(
The CD key you guys are posting is in the wrong format. I should be xxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxx

This might help u figure out the checking equation

Well i digged a little the code and here are 3 new keys.

I have not tested them though

Since I downloaded 3.06 I'v had an issue where the GUI/everything but map would vanish when exiting the commanders info screen after playing a while. I'm guessing this is some kind of CD key check?
Yeah, I hear it is a copy protection issue.. anyone know of a keygen out there? Apparently the game connects to some server and checks the key, but I can't confirm that..
any chance dave is around with that keygen anymore ? the sight download no longer works... and i used to use his keygen would like to have it again
I'm no expert, but I'm guessing that not all checks to the different parts of the cd-key were implemented in the game's .exe from the beginning. Therefore, a perfect key generator could not be calculated by analyzing the present cd-key checks... New checks were added in later patches, which invalidated generated keys but kept legit keys working.

Also, the odd manner in which the game performs its cd-key checks makes it tedious to test generated cd-keys.

Most generated keys work well with version 3.02.
Some keys let you play version 3.04, but after a while the games starts crashing or locking up when generating combat.
No known generated keys work in version 3.06+ (gui disappears when exiting commander screen and combat can crash like in 3.04).

Looks like a tough nut and the game is apparently not popular enough to draw the attention of any 1337 crackers...
such a pity, all we can do is hope someone cracks this
Any luck with 3.08 keys?
ok we are up to patch 3.10
The Patches better be pretty intense, because as it stands now, this game is pretty unplayable... I've given it lots of time and attempts - it's just not good.
game is good with good key

try this


Does anyone still have, or know where I can find, this python script? It would be much appreciated :)
well I just completed a full game (version 3.10) using hooliganss key. no problems or crashes at all! u never know with this game though. I hope there won't be problems later...

I don't know how or where u got that key (paid for?), but it works. thanks man! :D

if it's a generated key, it would be nice of u to post a couple more for LAN play.
Ok some more keys, not tested
but i think they should work

Hi, there are any other CD Keys that works with 3.14?...need a few more if possible, pls..8)
Cheers and keep the good work
Thanks for the information mondblut, it appears as if the main reason they're continuing to release new patches is to blacklist more serials.

3.14 is perfectly fine in my opinion, I've not noticed any of the problems that they supposedly fixed in 3.15. My advice to anyone downloading this is to patch to 3.14 and use one of those (working) serials graciously provided by Mr Hooligans.

A functional keygen for 3.14 (or 3.15) would indeed be superb though, I'd love to play this over LAN but there's no way I'd consider paying $60 for a game that's going on 2 years old. Sigh.
I tried this key:
with 3.14, but I still got kicked out after turn 1. Any ideas why? Mondblut, how'd you get past this problem?
good day all, i just uploaded a bundle of scanned manuals and keygen

can anyone tell me, after downloading, extracting (which apparently puts all 29 parts in one big .mdf file), and mounting the image...what then?

there's no .exe or .bat or anything i can open besides a note informing me "this game need keygen".

what do i do now / did wrong?
hey if i play a network game can they detect if im using a keygenerated serial?
Nope, only if you are using a duplicate cd-key.
If you need a keygen - copy code above and save as .html file, then open with any browser:

Dom3 Key Generator Version 1.01

function checkSum(a, b, c, d)
/*Return the checksum of the first four cd-key numbers for dominions 3.*/
return ((a + (b & 0x7f) + (b >> 7)) + ((c & 0x7f) + (c >> 7)) * 2 + ((d & 0x7f) + (d >> 7)) * 4) % 1000;

var genArray = new Array(0x6B8B4567, 0x327B23C6, 0x643C9869, 0x66334873, 0x74B0DC51,
0x19495CFF, 0x2AE8944A, 0x625558EC, 0x238E1F29, 0x46E87CCD,
0x3D1B58BA, 0x507ED7AB, 0x2EB141F2, 0x41B71EFB, 0x79E2A9E3,
0x7545E146, 0x515F007C, 0x5BD062C2, 0x12200854, 0x4DB127F8,
0x216231B, 0x1F16E9E8, 0x1190CDE7, 0x66EF438D, 0x140E0F76,
0x3352255A, 0x109CF92E, 0x0DED7263, 0x7FDCC233, 0x1BEFD79F,
0x41A7C4C9, 0x6B68079A, 0x4E6AFB66, 0x25E45D32, 0x519B500D,
0x431BD7B7, 0x3F2DBA31, 0x7C83E458, 0x257130A3, 0x62BBD95A,
0x436C6125, 0x628C895D, 0x333AB105, 0x721DA317, 0x2443A858,
0x2D1D5AE9, 0x6763845E, 0x75A2A8D4, 0x8EDBDAB, 0x79838CB2,
0x4353D0CD, 0x0B03E0C6, 0x189A769B, 0x54E49EB4, 0x71F32454,
0x2CA88611, 0x836C40E, 0x2901D82, 0x3A95F874, 0x8138641,
0x1E7FF521, 0x7C3DBD3D, 0x737B8DDC, 0x6CEAF087, 0x22221A70,
0x4516DDE9, 0x3006C83E, 0x614FD4A1, 0x419AC241, 0x5577F8E1,
0x440BADFC, 0x5072367, 0x3804823E, 0x77465F01, 0x7724C67E,
0x5C482A97, 0x2463B9EA, 0x5E884ADC, 0x51EAD36B, 0x2D517796,
0x580BD78F, 0x153EA438, 0x3855585C, 0x70A64E2A, 0x6A2342EC,
0x2A487CB0, 0x1D4ED43B, 0x725A06FB, 0x2CD89A32, 0x57E4CCAF,
0x7A6D8D3C, 0x4B588F54, 0x542289EC, 0x6DE91B18, 0x38437FDB,
0x7644A45C, 0x32FFF902, 0x684A481A, 0x579478FE, 0x749ABB43,
0x3DC240FB, 0x1BA026FA, 0x79A1DEAA, 0x75C6C33A, 0x12E685FB,
0x70C6A529, 0x520EEDD1, 0x374A3FE6, 0x4F4EF005, 0x23F9C13C,
0x649BB77C, 0x275AC794, 0x39386575, 0x1CF10FD8, 0x180115BE,
0x235BA861, 0x47398C89, 0x354FE9F9, 0x15B5AF5C, 0x741226BB,
0x0D34B6A8, 0x10233C99, 0x3F6AB60F, 0x61574095, 0x7E0C57B1,
0x77AE35EB, 0x579BE4F1, 0x310C50B3, 0x5FF87E05, 0x2F305DEF,
0x25A70BF7, 0x1DBABF00, 0x4AD084E9, 0x1F48EAA1, 0x1381823A,
0x5DB70AE5, 0x100F8FCA, 0x6590700B, 0x15014ACB, 0x5F5E7FD0,
0x98A3148, 0x799D0247, 0x6B94764, 0x42C296BD, 0x168E121F,
0x1EBA5D23, 0x661E3F1E, 0x5DC79EA8, 0x540A471C, 0x7BD3EE7B,
0x51D9C564, 0x613EFDC5, 0x0BF72B14, 0x11447B73, 0x42963E5A,
0x0A0382C5, 0x8F2B15E, 0x1A32234B, 0x3B0FD379, 0x68EB2F63,
0x4962813B, 0x60B6DF70, 0x6A5EE64, 0x14330624, 0x7FFFCA11,
0x1A27709E, 0x71EA1109, 0x100F59DC, 0x7FB7E0AA, 0x6EB5BD4,
0x6F6DD9AC, 0x94211F2, 0x885E1B, 0x76272110, 0x4C04A8AF,
0x1716703B, 0x14E17E33, 0x3222E7CD, 0x74DE0EE3, 0x68EBC550,
0x2DF6D648, 0x46B7D447, 0x4A2AC315, 0x39EE015C, 0x57FC4FBB,
0x0CC1016F, 0x43F18422, 0x60EF0119, 0x26F324BA, 0x7F01579B,
0x49DA307D, 0x7055A5F5, 0x5FB8370B, 0x50801EE1, 0x488AC1A,
0x5FB8011C, 0x6AA78F7F, 0x7672BD23, 0x6FC75AF8, 0x6A5F7029,
0x7D5E18F8, 0x5F3534A4, 0x73A1821B, 0x7DE67713, 0x555C55B5,
0x3FA62ACA, 0x14FCE74E, 0x6A3DD3E8, 0x71C91298, 0x9DAF632,
0x53299938, 0x1FBFE8E0, 0x5092CA79, 0x1D545C4D, 0x59ADEA3D,
0x288F1A34, 0x2A155DBC, 0x1D9F6E5F, 0x97E1B4E, 0x51088277,
0x1CA0C5FA, 0x53584BCB, 0x415E286C, 0x7C58FD05, 0x23D86AAC,
0x45E6D486, 0x5C10FE21, 0x0E7FFA2B, 0x3C5991AA, 0x4BD8591A,
0x78DF6A55, 0x39B7AAA2, 0x2B0D8DBE, 0x6C80EC70, 0x379E21B5,
0x69E373, 0x2C27173B, 0x4C9B0904, 0x6AA7B75C, 0x1DF029D3,
0x5675FF36, 0x3DD15094, 0x3DB012B3, 0x2708C9AF, 0x5B25ACE2,
0x175DFCF0, 0x4F97E3E4, 0x53B0A9E, 0x34FD6B4F, 0x5915FF32,
0x56438D15, 0x519E3149, 0x2C6E4AFD, 0x17A1B582, 0x4DF72E4E,

function firstCode()
var first = Math.floor((Math.random() * 9995)) + 1;
if (first > 9){
first += 4;
return first;

function secondCode(first)
var secondlow = (first ^ 0x49) & 0xff;
Damn, looks like piratebay stripped all html tags. Well, tough luck. :(
After a lot of searching around, seems i found a cd-key working with version 3.23b :
Tested it on several games over hundreds of turns, seems nothing disappearing.
Have fun !